News & Events

YICG 20th Anniversary~Ladoo Giveaway~Hallway Party~Sankranti~Pongal~Lohri‏

Young Indian Culture Group, Inc. 

999 Herricks Road, Suite 110, New Hyde Park 11040  |  |  516-739-1575 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 516-739-1575 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting

!! YICG 20th Anniversary Hallway Party !! 

!! Distributing Ladoos to all !!

This Saturday~Jan 18th, 1-4:30 pm

Come in Festive clothes - Photo Time

!! Happy Sankranti~Pongal~Lohri !!


History of the Birth of YICG - Read only if you can handle Utter Fear.....
It was a dark and stormy night, twenty years ago, when YICG was established, just after a fierce January storm that blanketed all of the Northeast with 27 inches of snow. A few Desis, with Nordic recessive genes, trekked into the Herricks Community Center, removed their parkas (bought at Macy's with a 90% off coupon the previous weekend, after checking the Weather Channel), holding their steaming Chai next to their dubba of Poori/Chole in case they starved on their way through the snow covering the parking lot, all hidden inside the parka, which was a size larger just for these emergency needs, dipped into their pockets and brought out their Bic pens, also on sale from Staples, a holiday clearance, and signed a few pages of a legal document, in a seemingly careless, chalta hai fashion, knowing fully well that this will last at least 20 years, as long as people shared their dahi/vada, pulao, sambar and laddoos, always remembering the cultural heritage of their ancestors that  transcended petty feudal conflicts, after which they trekked back to the far end of the parking lot, on the south side of the Herricks Community Center, to debate the finer points of actually signing over their entire adult lives to the innocuous zip code of 11040, with frozen fingers, purple lips and raw teeth.
This in turn led to more Chai drinking and the story continues to this day...
Lets dream about the next 20 years!

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